About the Company
Digitaalsed küsitluse meetodid (e-mail, SMS, URL-link) saavad tavaliselt kõrgeid vastamissagedusi ja kvaliteetseid vastuseid kahel põhjusel: nad on kasutajasõbralikud ja ajastatud nii, et kliendikogemus on veel värske. QR koodi küsitlused mida Survease nüüd pakub, toob need samad positiivsed aspektid päris maailma. Uue lahenduse abil on varasemast lihtsam koguda tagasisidet koheselt peale kliendikogemust.
The Challenge
Survease helps to know your guests and clients better. Know the pulse of your customers and understand their preferences. But merely knowing customer preferences isn’t sufficient to thrive in this industry; business owners must put themselves in the shoes of the customers to understand their pain points as well.
The Solution
Customer satisfaction surveys packed with amazing features lets you in on everything you need to keep them coming back. After all, the very essence of the hospitality industry is to ensure that each customer receives the best possible experience and SurveySparrow’s custom make survey platform helps you do just that!
Customer satisfaction surveys packed with amazing features lets you in on everything you need to keep them coming back. After all, the very essence of the hospitality industry is to ensure that each customer receives the best possible experience and SurveySparrow’s custom make survey platform helps you do just that!
Real Estate
Tallinn, Estonia
B2C, B2B
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons tet ur adipisicing et elit, sed mod. incidid unt ut out labore et dolore magna minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ulla mco nisi ut aliquip ex laboris et do.”
Scott Taber
VP Rooms Four Seasons
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